Four lights (red, yellow, green, and blue), each with a number 1 to 4, light up in a random pattern and end with one color randomly selected.
Use for: Randomly selecting one student in each team of 4 by color. (Use sidebar for Teams of 3 and Teams of 5.)
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Spinner with four differently colored quadrants: red, yellow, green, and blue.
Use for: Randomly selecting one student in each team of 4 by color. (Spinner can also be used to randomly select one of four options.)
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Selects one student name at a time from the class list based on the user-‐selected algorithm.
Use for: Selecting one student in the class (by name) to perform.
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A team selector that randomly selects the next team number (from up to 20 teams) without picking the same team twice until all teams have been selected.
Use for: Randomly selecting the next team to perform.
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Selects a number from a user–entered pool using a user–defined selection method.
Use for:
• Selecting a student in the class
• Selecting a student in a group or pair
• Selecting a team in the class
• Generating a number using a random, sequential, or a no repeat random selection method.
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Spinner divided into 10 sections, 5 marked with A and 5 marked with B.
Use for: Randomly selecting Partner A or Partner B in each pair to perform.
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Assigns role(s) to students in teams of 4 on a random basis, or rotates role(s) in teams of 4.
Use for:
• Randomly assigning and re–assigning roles to students in teams.
• Rotating roles within teams (ex: Rotating Recorder).
• Displaying roles for popular structures (ex: Fan–N–Pick).
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Rotates roles for teams of 4 based on user–defined time intervals. The clock counts down and the progress bar disappears as time elapses. A bell chimes when the time is up, indicating it's time to switch roles.
Use for: Rotating team roles with a timer.
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Four–sided die that rolls and randomly selects a number 1 to 4.
Use for: Randomly selecting one student in a team of 4 by number. (Use sidebar for Teams of 3 and Teams of 5.)
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Spinner with four rings, corresponding to teams of 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Use for: Randomly selecting one student in each team. Works with teams of 2 to 5 in the classroom at the same time.
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No repeat student selector for teams of 3, 4, and 5.
Use for: Randomly selecting one student in each team. Works with teams of 3 to 5 in the classroom at the same time. Works on a no-‐repeat basis so the same student will not be selected again until all teammates have been selected. See it Work
A combined Student Selector and Team Selector Spinner.
Use for: Selecting one student in each team, one team in the class, or one student in the class. See it Work
Spinner with four rings, corresponding to 6, 7, 8, or 9 teams in the class.
Use for: Randomly selecting one team in the class. See it Work |

Randomly determines which team will perform first, second, third (up to twelfth) … and displays the team sequence as an ordered list.
Use for: Creating a random team sequence for team performances. See it Work |
Randomly displays 1 of 20 written prompts (ex: Has the longest first name) to select a student from a small group to perform.
Use for: Randomly selecting one student in a team or pair to perform.
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