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Kagan Summer Academy 2023

It's All About Engagement!

July 7-18 at the Hilton in the Walt Disney World® Resort, Florida

We’ll be back! Kagan’s 39th Annual Summer Academy will return to the Hilton in the magical WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort in Orlando, Florida.

The Summer Academy is Kagan’s biggest and best training of the year! Over the course of two weeks in July, we’re offering a wide array of trainings to choose from including: Kagan’s signature training, Kagan Cooperative Learning; more great 5-day institutes; hot 1, 2, and 3-day workshops; trainer and administrator trainings; and subject-specific workshops.

Come see why educators have been trekking across the country and around the world to participate in Kagan’s Summer Academy for the past 37 years. Come experience the Kagan Structures. Come experience the Kagan magic. Come experience the Kagan approach to full student engagement!

Available Trainings

Complete Details Coming Soon

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Scholarships Available!

Graphic of Scholarship Winners

Many scholarships will be awarded—some for teachers and administators, and some for student teachers. Scholarships are awarded based on the quality of applications. Complete details coming soon!