Kagan Cooperative Learning, PreK-2, Days 1–5
Engagement! Learning! Social Skills!
July 14–18, 2025 in Orlando, Florida
The early grades are a critical time in a student’s education. Students come to class with vastly different abilities and experiences, and we want them all to experience early success academically and socially. Come learn the best Kagan Structures to engage all your little ones. Learn how to get your budding students to follow directions, how to work in teams, how to share and take turns, how to communicate effectively, how to think critically, and of course, how to master the content and skills to succeed in school. Kagan will give you the structures and adaptations necessary to make cooperative learning a huge hit with your youngsters. Start your little ones on the path to school success by nurturing important social and academic skills. Create a cooperative and caring classroom. Come away with ideas and activities you’ll be excited to implement the first day and every day of school!
Previously titled Kagan Structures for Little Ones
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Workshop Info
Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista1751 Hotel Plaza Blvd
Orlando, Florida 32830-8430
Date and Time
Check In: Monday 8:00am - 8:30am
M, Tu, Th, Fri 8:30am- 4:00pm
Wed 8:30am-1:00pm
Workshop #
Workshop Highlights
- Learn the best Kagan Structures to use with younger children
- Master simple management techniques that make your class hum
- Get your little ones off to the right start with terrific teamwork skills
- Meet your youngsters’ need to talk, move, and play in a productive way
- Create a cooperative and caring class where everyone wants to be
- Boost comprehension and retention by engaging their minds and bodies
- Use fun and easy strategies to reach high standards for all students
Free Kagan Materials
With your attendance, you will receive:
Bonus Materials
In addition, receive the following materials at a discount (available only to participants of this workshop) by ordering the Bonus Materials package at the same time that you register for this workshop:
- Alphabet Spinners Combo Kit
- Combo: Learning Chips, Blank (8 MDB)(ZLCB & ZLCCSL)
- Combo: Primary Story Elements Cube Class Set
- Cooperative Learning for Primary, 2 Book
- Give Us A Chance Book
- Kagan Structures Primary Poster Set # 2 - 6 Posters
- Kagan Structures Primary Poster Set - 6 posters
- Match Mine: Primary (K-3) Book
- Mix-N-Match - Capital-N-Lower Case
- Music for the Mind: Relaxed Alertness
- Primary TeamMats Class Set: Number & Animal Mats
- Quiz-Quiz-Trade-Primary Mathematics 272pp Book
- Quiz-Quiz-Trade-Primary Reading Book
- Silly Sports & Goofy Games Book
- Squish Apple
- Twist & Shout!
Regular price
Your price: $249.
Save $69! and
free shipping!
Ordering by phone or fax? Use product code: CPCL5
Rave Reviews

“So grateful my unique needs for little ones were met.”
“I came here hoping to learn how I could apply the Kagan approach in an early childhood context and I leave feeling confident I can do just that... Can't wait to use all I have learned with my little ones!”
“I love the great ideas and explicit steps to teaching our little ones these structures. It will be so helpful for the children to take a little more responsibility for their education.”More Reviews…
“Kagan Structures for Little Ones gave me a variety of learning tools to put into my tool belt to strengthen the instructional strategies I use to increase student learning in my kindergarten classroom.”
“Awesome! Just what I needed to bring Kagan to a younger level.”
“Classbuilding for little ones was a fabulous class! I am lucky to have learned the tools to bring back into my classroom.”
“Wonderful! Thank you for making Kagan more doable for kindergarten students. Great, great, great!”
For More Info
- For questions about this workshop, please contact Kagan at 800-266-7576 or registration@kaganonline.com.
- To bring Kagan to your school or district, please contact Kagan’s Partnership Team at 800-451-8495 or partnerships@kaganonline.com.