- Download Registration Form
- Confirmation
- Cancellation
- Registering with a PO
- Registering Multiple Participants
How to Register
5 Ways to Register!

Click on the link to your event. Then click on the appropriate
button. Click on the "Checkout Now" button on the shopping cart screen. Click on the
icon to order by credit card. This will take you to a secure page where you can input your billing information. You can view your shopping cart at any time by clicking the "View Cart" link in the footer of Kagan's website.

You may e-mail an approved purchase order as a PDF to Registration@KaganOnline.com.
A registration form is required for each participant. Download the Registration Form in PDF Format

Register over the phone with any major credit card.
We're also happy to answer any questions.

Print, fill out, and mail the registration form to the address below.
Each participant must fill out a registration form. Your form must include either a credit card number and expiration date or must be accompanied by an approved purchase order or check payable to Kagan.
Kagan Professional Development
981 Calle Amanecer
San Clemente, CA 92672

Print, fill out, and fax the registration form to the fax number above. Faxed registrations must include either a credit card number and expiration date or must be accompanied by an approved purchase order. For multiple participants, a registration form is required for each participant.
Registration Policies
It is your responsibility to contact Kagan if you have not received your confirmation two weeks prior to workshop date. We recommend that you do not purchase non-refundable airline tickets until you receive a confirmation letter from Kagan.
All cancellations must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours before the start time of the workshop for a full refund, less a $25 processing fee. No-shows receive no refund. In the unlikely event a workshop is cancelled, registrants will be reimbursed for workshop registration only.
Lodging, Meals, and Transportation...
Participants are responsible for their own arrangements, unless otherwise specified. Information is provided with program description.
Kagan's Guarantee...
At Kagan, we are committed to excellence in professional development. We guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied with the content and quality of our professional development programs. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied, contact us immediately. We will refund your registration immediately, less materials costs, or give you credit toward another Kagan training or Kagan books and resources, whichever you prefer.
Tax Deductible...
If the purpose of attending is to help you maintain or improve skills relating to employment or business, your training expenses — including registration fee, travel, meals, and accommodations — may be tax deductible according to the Treasury Regulation I.R.C.1.162-5.
Online Security
We know that some of you have concerns about the safety of transmitting your credit card number over the internet. This site was developed to support secure on-line purchasing through secure socket layer (SSL) technology. This technology works best when the site is viewed using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. All information that you provide during the shopping process is encrypted for your protection. You will know you are in an encrypted area when you see a solid key when using Netscape Navigator or a closed lock when using Internet Explorer. Look for these signs before entering your billing information.
Publicity Photo Release
By registering for a Kagan event, you have acknowledged and agreed that you may be photographed for Kagan’s publicity purposes. If you do not wish your image to be used, please contact Kagan.
Registering with a PO
Using a Purchase Order (PO)
You may not register online with a PO. You must fax, mail, or email your signed, approved Purchase Order to Kagan. You may use the online shopping cart to select which course(s) you wish to attend. When complete, print it and send it to Kagan with your PO. Or you may print out a Kagan Registration Form to fill out and fax, mail, or email with your PO.
Kagan Professional Development
981 Calle Amanecer
San Clemente, CA 92673
Fax: 949.545.6334
E-mail: Registration@KaganOnline.com