Reading Between the Lines, Day 1

Develop Deep Thinking While Reading in Every Subject!

July 7, 2025 in Orlando, Florida

(For Educators of Grades 1–8)
Workshop #41191
Today’s standards demand students think more deeply about more complex texts and support their thinking with evidence from the text. Consequently, students are expected to deal with and understand authors’ ideas, not just the information stated directly in the text. This workshop provides you with simple, concrete activities and engaging structures that guide students to develop metacognition skills to think about how they make inferences daily. You experience engaging structures to propel students to actively interact with texts—making the complex inferential process a habit of mind for all students.
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Workshop Info


Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista
1751 Hotel Plaza Blvd
Orlando, Florida 32830-8430

Date and Time

Mon, July 7, 2025
Check In: Monday 8:00am - 8:30am
Time: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Workshop #


Workshop Highlights

  • Show students how to read closely to make logical inferences from texts
  • Structure team sharing to explain and describe points of view
  • Have students identify key ideas and details and share them with classmates
  • Use strategies to have students ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding
  • Develop the skills of describing relationships between varying texts
  • Teach your class to cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from a text
  • Promote comprehension of complex literary and informational texts

Free Kagan Materials

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Bonus Materials

In addition, receive the following materials at a discount (available only to participants of this workshop) by ordering the Bonus Materials package at the same time that you register for this workshop:

  1. Combo: Question Dice Learning Cube Class Set
  2. Cooperative Learning & Higher Level Thinking: The Q-Matrix w/Question Manipulatives Book
  3. Language Arts Higher-Level Thinking Questions Book

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Regular price $108 . Your price: $84. Save $24! and get free shipping!

Ordering by phone or fax? Use product code: CRBL1

Rave Reviews

“I can't believe I've taught for seven years without this. I keep thinking how much better I could have served my former students and how well I will serve my future students.”
Jen Blunier, Reading Teacher
“The content has been very helpful to me as a coach. I can take this back and model better reading lessons for my teachers.”
Casey Massey, Grades K–5 Reading Coach
“Great strategies! I teach computer skills and work with struggling readers. I learned strategies I can use with either group.”
Ann Karels, Teacher

“Never get stuck in the same ole teaching rut. Kagan gives you updated structures that will create a safe learning environment with 100% engagement from your students.”
Kimbery Marshall, Special Education Teacher
“This Kagan training was eye-opening and inspiring. I have been teaching for a decade, yet I came out of this workshop with strategies to ensure cooperative learning, rather than group work, that I can immediately put to use in my classroom come Monday.”
Hillary Reisig, Secondary Language Arts Teacher

For More Info

Register Today! Call 1-800-266-7576
Register Today! 800.266.7576