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Brain-Friendly Teaching

Tools, Tips, & Structures

Dr. Spencer Kagan (All Grades)

  • 27 Kagan Structures with connections to brain-friendly teaching principles.
  • 60 research-based tools to transform brain science into good teaching.
  • Loaded with terrific tips to make learning brain-friendly.
BKBF • $44
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Become a brain-friendly teacher! Put the power of brain research and theory to work in your classroom. Your students will learn more, learn more quickly, retain and recall more, and like learning more. Dr. Kagan's extensively-researched book distills the world of brain science into 6 essential principles that will align your teaching with how your students' brains naturally learn. For each of the 6 brain-based principles, you will find practical tools, tips, and structures to easily make the leap from theory to practice. Teaching is so much easier and more successful when you do it the brain-friendly way. 544 pages.

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