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Cooperative Learning for Language Arts Book 1

Numbers & Operations, and Algebra

Cheryl Quiring (Grades 7–12)

  • Abounding with 190 ready-to-use blacklines and activities that you can use tomorrow in your classroom.
  • Designed to meet and exceed the NCTE and IRA standards.
  • Cooperative activities encourage students to be active, ask and answer questions, explore literature at a deeper level, and quiz each other on vocabulary!
  • Interactive activities for teams and pairs.
  • Superb step-by-step Kagan Structures for English/Language Arts.
BCLA1 • $34
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Do you want your English/Language Arts classes to bustle with engagement? Do you want your students to be active, ask and answer questions, explore literature at a deeper level, and quiz each other on vocabulary? Here's your solution. In this two-book series, you will find powerful cooperative learning strategies to make your secondary language arts curriculum come alive. Plus, you'll receive tons of ready-made activities and blackline masters designed to meet and exceed the NCTE and IRA standards that you can use tomorrow in your classroom. Receive activities on: figurative language, literary terms, Latin root words, prefixes, suffixes, text types, idioms, characterization, homophones, parts of speech, and more. You'll also find activities to boost reading comprehension and retention on secondary literature selections such as The Grapes of Wrath, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Pearl, A Tale of Two Cities, Julius Caesar, Romeo & Juliet. All the work of creating highly-engaging activities on your subject has been done for you.

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