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Balanced Literacy

Through Cooperative Learning & Active Engagement

Sharon Skidmore & Jill Graber (Grade 3)

  • Covers the five national literacy standards: Word Study, Fluency, Writing, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.
  • Delivers the literacy skills with the Cooperative Learning and Active Engagement thrills.
  • Loaded with activities, lessons, resources and blacklines to boost engagement in your current language arts program.
  • Full of cooperative, engaging, and time-saving content.
  • A complete third grade literacy resource.
BSGBL3 • $34
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What do you get when you put the best literacy content together with the best instruction available? Highly motivated and literate students. Elementary teachers and literacy coaches have pooled their experience to bring you these tremendously comprehensive guides covering the five national literacy standards: Comprehension, Word Study, Fluency, Writing, and Vocabulary. But unlike any other literacy program, it delivers the literacy skills with the cooperative learning and active engagement thrills. Your students will use Turn Toss to practice spelling, Quiz-Quiz-Trade to master antonyms, CenterPiece to make their writing more descriptive. These giant resources are brimming with activities, lessons, resources, and blacklines making it easy to implement a highly engaging literacy program. Use it as a complete balanced literacy program, or pick and choose activities to infuse engagement into your current language arts program.

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Product Reviews

I just got your book in the mail at school!! I showed it to my principal and she had me order 8 for the ESOL Department and the entire 3rd grade! I've showed it to two of the five 3rd grade teachers and they are excited to have another resource for their classrooms. One teacher commented that the principal told them "no more books this year." She must have liked it a lot since she wanted to place the order.

P.S. We have been making things just like in your book all year! It's F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!

Ann E. Walker
3rd-5th grade ESOL teacher
Cloud Elementary, Wichita, KS
