Kagan Cooperative Learning Book
The book that started it all—is completely revised! Why would the Kagans update a classic that has sold nearly half a million copies? The answer: So much has changed! Cooperative Learning today is different. This new book presents today's most successful cooperative learning methods. The Kagans make it easier than ever to boost engagement and achievement. You'll still find all the practical and proven Kagan Structures, including Numbered Heads Together, RoundTable, and Three-Step Interview—direct from the man who invented cooperative learning structures. And there's still plenty of ready-to-do teambuilding and classbuilding activities to make your class click. But in this expanded edition, you will find new step-by-step structures, hundreds of helpful management tips, many more teacher-friendly activities and forms, and up-to-date research on proven methods. You hear how schools have used Kagan Cooperative Learning to boost academics, close the achievement gap, improve student relations, and create a more kind and caring school community. After decades of training and working with hundreds of thousands of teachers, Kagan has refined and perfected the most widely used and respected form of cooperative learning ever. The Kagans make it easy for you to dramatically increase engagement and achievement in your class! 528 pages.
Mix-Pair-Share Software Certificate for Download
Engage every student on any topic. This software helps you lead your class though Mix-Pair-Share, a simple and powerful student interaction structure. With the click of a button, you will lead students through each step: Students mix around the room. They pair up. Then, they share with their partners on the interaction question or topic. For student interaction, you have three structures to choose from: Use Timed Pair Share for open-ended discussion questions. Use Pair Share for quick responses. Use RallyRobin for exploring content with multiple ideas or answers. You can add an interaction question right before your lesson or store sets based on your lesson plans to use year after year. Software also includes three sample question sets with fun questions for classbuilding. You get all the timers, student selection prompts, and ready-to-use student responses to get this Kagan Structure right every time! For PC and Mac.
• Your download order is fulfilled within 1 business day.
• An email will be sent to you within 1 business day with your unique serial number and download instructions for both Macintosh and PC versions of the software.