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Cooperative Learning & French

Beth Andrini (Grades K-8)

  • Over 70 step-by-step, engaging activities to make learning French fun and easy.
  • Fifteen terrific chapters that foster conversation, build vocabulary, and improve grammar.
  • Interactive learning structures and blackline masters boost French skills and fluency.
BJF • $29
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French class has never been so engaging! Instead of listening to the teacher and doing independent paper-and- pencil practice, students interact with partners and teammates using Kagan Structures. Through creative, structured activities, students discuss, ask questions, give directions, write, quiz, interview, and coach. All of this interaction in French translates into more functional communication and more learning. Students don't just learn about French. They acquire French through meaningful use. The 15 chapters cover: community, clothes, weather, school, food, professions, daily activities, geography, time, date, music, movies, sports, verbs, and adjectives. Fully engage your French students tout de suite! 376 pages.

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