Grants & Funding

Grant Writing Tips

If you are new to the grant writing and application process, here are a few tips to make the task a little easier—and hopefully more successful. 

1. Give Yourself Plenty of Time
Grants are usually time sensitive, with specific deadlines for submission. Putting together a quality application can be labor intensive, and missing pieces can cause your application to be rejected. Start early to give yourself plenty of time to submit a completed grant application within the deadline.

2. Do Your Research
Thoroughly read through the grant guidelines to ensure your request meets the funding goals of the sponsoring organization. If possible, research previously funded grant awards in order to gain insight about key words or phrases you can use in the narrative to demonstrate that your request is a good match to the organization's interests.

3. Get Support
Sometimes grants require matching funds or additional documentation that will require a vote by your local School Board of Education. Make sure there is adequate support from the administration of your school before submitting a grant request.